Friday, October 9, 2009

Theocracy: The Enemy of Freedom

You don't have to go too far these days to see how theocracy threatens Freedom. The recent Iranian uprising was watched by the entire world via the Internet where hundreds of people who were protesting on behalf of Democracy went missing or were even killed for speaking out. The current situation in Afghanistan where militant Islam has been taking a hold of the country is also a perfect example of a threatening theocracy.

Unfortunately, Greece, the birthplace of Democracy, also exists under a type of theocracy. The Orthodox Christian Church is the official religion of the Greek State. This has placed religious minorities at odds with the State and the Church both socially and legally. Fortunately, there is a movement within Greece that is pushing towards religious freedom. These groups are generally made up of the ethnikoi Hellenes (ethnic Greeks) who are trying to get their traditional religion recognized so that they can worship freely in society. It is certainly a difficult struggle, but it is also absolutely necessary for the sake of Freedom in Greece.

That said, there is unfortunately, a small element of extremism and nationalism that is accompanying this push for Freedom. Many of these Hellenes are understandably angry at the existing religions and ethnic groups that ARE recognized currently, such as the Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Many of these extremists discriminate against these existing groups, which sometimes includes violent rhetoric and physical threats. There is also another element that desires to see an ethnic Hellenic State based on ancient Greek religion. As a Hellenist myself, I think this idea is a beautiful concept, but Reason dictates that it is incorrect to replace one theocracy with another. Consistency demands that it must be Freedom for all, or none.

Religion must be seperated from politics. In this modern era, it is the Separation of Church and State and secularism in society that guarantees Freedom of religion for ALL.

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