Thursday, October 8, 2009

On Religious Freedom in Greece

Freedom of religion is one of the basics rights that we as Americans have enjoyed for over two centuries. Unfortunately, the very birthplace of Democracy, Greece, has been cited by many of its own citizens as well as the European Union as violating the human right to religious freedom. Greece is essentially a theocracy based on the Orthodox Christian Church. Many religious minorities are not allowed the right to worship openly and are unrecognized by the State, which is required for the right towards legal protection. The following is a quote from a Greek polytheist website:

"The right to religious freedom is, unfortunately, not equally afforded to all citizens of Greece, since one must be either Orthodox Christian or else not exist at all. Thus in reality, despite the attitudes and policies towards other rights, it is of little or no value at all for us, because of the revailing attitude towards religion."

Taken from the Committee for the Greek Religion of Dodecatheon website:

Please take some time to check out that link for an in depth look at the issue.

Why should non-Greeks be interested in this issue?

First of all, this is not just a Greek issue, it is a HUMAN rights issue. Greeks who happen to be in the religious minority are not allowed to practice their religion, nor are they recognized as such, because the Greek State is for all intents and purposes, an Orthodox Christian theocracy that only recognizes certain faiths as legitimate. It is ironic that the very culture that gave the world Democracy has now become a theocracy that limits the religious freedoms of its own citizens.

This situation is a gross violation of both human rights and Greece's own ancient heritage. As a Hellenic polytheist, a proponent of human rights, and an American who currently enjoys freedom of religion, this situation is seriously offensive.

What can we do about it?

While most of us outside of Hellas will never have the opportunity to directly influence policy there, we can show our support for the Hellenes who are struggling for religious freedom. As Americans, we must promote and support concepts such as the Separation of Church and State, both at home and abroad. This political concept is what ultimately will allow ALL Greeks, no matter what religion they may be, to have a fair and equal place within the religious landscape of their own country. The stranglehold of theocracy is deadly to the potential of the human spirit and we MUST fight it wherever it rears its ugly head.


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